Today´s Date : 14/03/2025

Online Application for Boiler Registration

This Portal can be used to get the Registration of Boilers in A & N Islands.

The Online Application for Registration of Boilers has 2 Steps to be followed by the Applicant:-

  1. Fill Online Application Form

  2. Upload Scanned Copy of supporting Documents as displayed on the screen.

    • Approved Design & Drawing by Inspecting Authority.
    • Certificate that materials, mounting and fittings used in construction of boiler confirm to the specification
    • Persons engaged have welding certificate

    Please keep all the documents ready before applying Online.

After successful completion of 2 steps above, portal will allot a Unique Application No. which can be used to track the Status of your application Online

The Department will process your application & approve it Online based on which Registration Certificate will be Generated by the Portal.