Today´s Date : 15/03/2025

Online Application for Road/Berm/Footpath Cutting Permission

This Portal can be used to get the Road/Berm/Footpath Cutting Permission for residential as well as commercial establishments in A & N Islands.

The Online Application for Road/Berm/Footpath Cutting Permission has a Single Step to be followed by the Applicant:-

  1. Fill Online Application Form along with the Scan Copy of the following documents:

    • Record of Right / Form F (in pdf format, not more than 200kb)
    • Order of water connection or laying of cables etc is obtained from the concerned department (in pdf format, not more than 200kb)

After successful completion of the step above, portal will allot a Unique Application No. which can be used to track the Status of your application Online

The Department will process your application & approve it Online based on which Road Cutting Order will be Generated by the Portal.