Information Services
      Directorate of Economics and Statistics(DES) is the apex statistical body of Andaman Nicobar Islands and is functioning as Nodal Agency for coordination of all Statistical matters.
     Collection, compilation, interpretation of statistical data for the benefit of the Administrators, Planners, Research Scholars and all such users are the prime areas of functioning of the Department.
     Major functions include dissemination of data in form of statistical publications, Price statistics, farm harvest prices, prices of building material, Weather data, data from all the departments in Administration, estimation of State Domestic Product, Agriculture statistics- Land Use Statistics, Census of Government employees, Disaster statistics.
     DES from time to time publish publications such as Basic Statistics, Andaman & Nicobar Islands At-a Glance, Island-wise Statistical Outline, Meteorological Statistics, Statistical Hand Book on District & Transport Statistics.
     Apart from above Conduct of Agriculture Census, input survey, Economic Census, Economy Survey are also taken up, besides providing assistance in other census or survey carried out by Govt. as and when directed.
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    Last updated on 13-March-2025