
The Clearances portal of SWC has been designed to provide a Single interface connecting all stakeholders involved in setting up Business Units in A & N islands. The portal brings together in a common platform (a) Entrepreneurs and (b) Various offices of A & N Admin who provide "Clearances" to Business units. The information and documents get updated and uploaded in portal by Stakeholders and is made available to other stakeholders, with sufficient safeguards for security and privacy of Enterprise data.

For instance, Entrepreneur can upload in portal the "Record of Right (RoR)" of Land records for the Enterprise being established by him/her. The "RoR" is authenticated online in portal by the concerned office of A & N Admin, namely Revenue department. The authenticated RoR is immediately made visible and downloadable to all other offices of A & N Admin who require it, for providing a Clearance to the enterprise.

At a Glance


Sno Description Count
1. Total Numbers of Departments 7
2. Total Numbers of Clearances 10
3. Total Numbers of Documents 57


Note: Click on the linked heading text to expand or collapse.

  • The Registration of Entrepreneurs in SWC portal of A & N Admin is free of cost.
  • The Entrepreneur has to "Register" once in SWC portal, by entering a few details like Name, Mobile No, e-Mail ID etc., in the GUI screen. Authentication of details will be made by e-Mail and SMS. The Entrepreneur is provided with a "User ID" and "Password" details for "Logging" into the SWC portal.
  • The Entrepreneur after Logging to SWC portal, lands in His/Her individual Home page. The Home page of Entrepreneur is personalized.
  • The Home Page has Information regarding all Clearances provided by offices of A & N Admin as part of SWC portal.
  • The Home Page has links to "Contact officers" of various offices who are a part of SWC portal.
  • The Home page can be used by the Entrepreneur to "Store" and "Retrieve" details of all Enterprises proposed to be established / already established by him/her. It is a single point Repository of all documents, applications and clearances for each Enterprise.
  • The Entrepreneur through the relevant link in the Homepage, can apply for "Online Application for Clearance for an Enterprise" proposed to be established.
  • Each department of A & N Admin which is part of SWC portal is provided with unique "User ID" and "Password" to login to the SWC portal.
  • The department can View the Applications for Clearances from that department which are submitted online in SWC portal by entrepreneurs.
  • The department can "Process" the Clearance application in online portal. The department can update "Status" in the portal at every stage. The "Status" is automatically displayed to the Entrepreneur as "Alerts" in his/her home page.
  • At the end when the Clearance Application is approved by the authority, the department can "Upload" the signed copy of the Clearance document in the portal, which can be downloaded by the entrepreneur. The other departments which are part of the SWC portal can also download the Clearance document from the portal.

The Entrepreneur, through the relevant link in Homepage, can apply for "Online Application for Clearance for an Enterprise" proposed to be established. The entrepreneur can later track in the portal "Status of processing of Online application" by concerned office of A & N Admin. The entrepreneur can finally download from the portal "Clearance" output uploaded by the office, at end of Clearance process.

The Online Clearances portal has two distinct Components, as below:

Online CAF Entry

    The Entrepreneur has to apply once in SWC portal for Common Application Form (CAF) for an Enterprise being established (or already Established) in A & N, through the link provided in the Entrepreneur's Home page "Apply for CAF". The CAF application is a must before applying for Clearances. The CAF has details of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs which are commonly required by different offices of A & N Admin to provide the Clearances. The CAF details are grouped under Five categories as below :

    1. Personal and Office details of Entrepreneur / Firm / Applicant .
    2. Details of the proposed Enterprise, including "Location".
    3. Details of Activity and Manufacturing of Products and Services to be done in enterprise.
    4. Details of Investment to be made in enterprise, including Plant / Machinery and Raw materials to be used.
    5. Details of requirement of Power (Electricity) and Manpower.
    6. Profile of Directors of the Firm / Company which owns the Enterprise.

    The details entered in CAF are "Constant" and cannot be altered in the short run. As such, Entrepreneur is "Alerted" to check the entered details completely and is provided with option to Download filled in CAF-ID from the portal, for making changes and then Finalize.

Processing of CAF
  • After succesfull submission of CAF by Entrepreneur, a Unique CAF-ID is generated by SWC portal for the Enterprise, which can be used to track the status of CAF application. The CAF-ID is also the basis for Entrepreneur to apply for all Clearances later.

  • The District Industries Department of A & N Admin (Nodal office for EoDB project) will process CAF application online and "Accept" it, if the details are complete. At this stage, DIC does not mandate the entrepreneur to provide Documents relating to the enterprise. In case some details are missing in the Online CAF, the Entrepreneur will be "Prompted" to provide the details through "Alerts" in his/her home page, for completing the CAF application.

Download Accepted CAF
  • The entrepreneur can download CAF with details, after Acceptance by DIC, from his/her home page.

  • The Entrepreneur can then start applying for all Clearances required by him/her from various offices of A & N Admin, based on the CAF-ID of the Enterprise.

Based on CAF-ID generated by SWC portal for an Enterprise, the Entrepreneur can apply online for individual clearances from offices of A & N Admin. The Online Clearance System has Four Modules, as below :

  • GUI Screen for entering "Application Details" required by the office to provide a specific Clearance.
  • Every Clearance has an Application form specific to the Clearance, which has to be entered by the Entrepreneur online. The clearance system will automatically retrieves available details of Enterprise and Entrepreneur from CAF and Auto-populate in GUI screen. The Entrepreneur cannot alter these details derived from CAF. Every Clearance needs some additional details (specific to that clearance) which are required by the office to process the Online Application. These additional details have to entered in the GUI screen by the entrepreneur.
  • After successfull submission, the Clearances module will generate a Unique Clearance-ID for the Clearance. The Clearance-ID can be used by the entrepreneur to track status of the application through the portal.
  • The concerned office providing Clearance will get an "Alert" in their home page in SWC portal of submission of online Application for clearance. The office will "Process" the Online Application and "Approve" if details entered are correct and complete. In case of any issues in the application, the Entrepreneur is prompted to provide correct the details, through "Alerts" in his/her home page, and complete the online entry process.
  • The entrepreneur gets an Alert in Home page, the moment the Online Application is approved by the office and can download the Filled in Clearance Application from the portal.
  • The Clearance Application Entry Screen (GUI) varies depending on each Clearance.
  • To Provide Clearance for an Enterprise, the concerned office requires Entrepreneur to upload "Documents" related to the enterprise. The "List of Documents" required for a particular Clearance by an office is "Self built" in portal and is automatically displayed in GUI screen. The Entrepreneur cannot alter the List.
  • The Entrepreneur has to Click on relevant link for each document and upload scanned copies of Document in this module. While Uploading, Entrepreneur has to enter "Meta Data" regarding the document, which is useful for "Search" and "Retrieval" purpose later.
  • The concerned office providing Clearance will get an "Alert" in their home page in SWC portal of Uploading of Documents for the online Application for clearance. The office will perform scrutiny of Uploaded documents for Correctness and Completeness and will "Approve"" the "Documents Uploaded"" status in the portal. If any mistakes are noticed, the Entrepreneur is prompted to upload the document again through "Alerts" in his/her home page, for completing the Uploading process.
  • The entrepreneur gets an Alert in Home page, the moment the Uploading Document module is approved by the office and can download the Documents from the portal.
  • The Uploaded Documents of the enterprise are also automatically made available in the portal for access by other offices which may require that document for their clearances.
  • The Entrepreneur and Offices of A & N Admin can use the "Digital Locker" facility available as part of the SWC portal to "Search" and "Retrieve" all documents for an enterprise, based on "Meta Data".
  • The "Upload Documents" module is Generic and the Meta Data format is common for all Documents being uploaded across all Clearances.
  • Schedule Inspection (By Office), Update Deviations noticed (by Office), Update Action taken to remove Deviations (by Entrepreneur), Verify Action taken (by Office).
  • Almost every office of A & N Admin involved in providing clearances does "Inspection" at Enterprise site, to satisfy that all requirements needed for providing clearance are established in enterprise. The "Check-List of requirements" needed in and will be checked by the office, is "Self built" in the portal and is also displayed in the portal for each clearance.
  • After the Online Application for Clearance is "Approved" by the office, the office will carry our Inspection of the enterprise. The Inspection module has Four components as below :
    1. Schedule an Inspection (By Office):
    2. The office will update in the portal details of Inspection to be carried out (like Date of inspection, Inspecting Authority etc.,). The Entrepreneur automatically gets an "Alert" in his/her home page on the inspection schedule. The Check-List of requirements is also displayed to entrepreneur for arranging the same at the enterprise.

    3. Update Deviations noticed (by Office) :
    4. Based in physical inspection done by the inspecting authority at enterprise site, the office will update the portal on "Inspection details", with focus of "List of Deviations" noticed at enterprise during inspection. The deviations is listed Point-wise, so that it is possible to track each deviation separately.

      The Entrepreneur automatically gets an "Alert" in his/her home page on the deviations list and is prompted to take necessary action at the enterprise to eliminate the deviations.

    5. Action Taken on Deviations (by Entrepreneur) :
    6. The Entrepreneur is required to take required action to remove/eliminate the deviations list as updated in portal by the office. The entrepreneur can then update portal for each deviation as "Action taken. The office can Verify the same and Close the Deviation". If "Action taken" is not updated by entrepreneur for a deviation, it will be treated as "Pending" deviation and Clearance will not be given by the office.

    7. Verify Action taken (by Office) :
    8. The office will automatically get and "Alert" in their home page of "Updation done in portal to remove Deviation" by Entrepreneur as above. The office will verify the same at enterprise site and update portal for each Deviation as "Verified. Deviation removed". Otherwise, the deviation will be treated as "Pending" in SWC portal and Clearance will not be given by the office.

    The "Inspection Cycle" can be done multiple times, with deviations noticed in each Inspection. The list of pending deviations at the end of one Inspection cycle is automatically carried out to the next inspection schedule in the portal.

    The Entrepreneur and office can download "Inspections report" in online mode from the portal at every stage.

  • In addition to the above activities of Online Application, Uploading of Documents and Inspection, it is quite possible that the office providing the clearance may depend on some other office in processing stage. This is mainly done where in cases like :
    1. a. Entrepreneur seeks Clearance from Pollution Control Committee of A & N Admin. For such application, PPC insists on Entrepreneur to get prior Clearance from Airport Authority of India (in case Enterprise is located close to the Airport) or CRZ clearance from GoI (in case Enterprise is located close to Sea coast).
    2. b. The office while checking the Document uploaded by entrepreneur for a Clearance may notice "inconsistency" and would need the opinion of the office which has issued the Document to the entrepreneur.
  • Such cases are updated in this module to update as "General Issues / Dependencies on Other offices". The details will be entered by the office providing the Clearance Point-wise, so that it possible to update Action taken on each such point.
  • The issues list has provision for office to indicate whether "Action is to be taken by Entrepreneur to Close the Issue" or "Action is to be taken by other Office to Close the Issue ". Depending on the above, either Entrepreneur of Other office automatically get an "Alert on General Issues" in their home page and can update "Action Taken each Issue" in the portal online. All "Issues" will have to be "Closed" for getting the Clearance.

    This office which provide the Clearance will automatically an "Alert" in their home page, once all Four modules of Online Clearances System (3.2, (i) to (iv) in Pre-pages above) have been successfully "Approved" by the office. This includes the following :

  1. The Online Clearance Application entered by entrepreneur is updated in portal as "Approved" by office.
  2. The Online Documents uploaded in portal by Entrepreneur is "Approved" by office.
  3. The Online Inspection results are updated by office as "All Deviations closed".
  4. The Online General Issues / Dependencies results are updated by office as "All Issues / Dependencies closed".
  5. The Office can then "Finalize" the Online Clearance request of entrepreneur in the portal, for final approval by authorized officer of the department to issue the Clearance document.

    The Entrepreneur as well as the office can download the "Report Card" of the Clearance application, which has complete details of all updations and activities done in Clearances portal for all modules and components as above.

  • After the office "Finalizes" the Online Clearance application in the portal, as in 3.3 in Pre-pages, the Authority vested with Right to issue the Clearance Document will login to the SWC portal with secured access rights and download the "Report Card" of Clearance application, which has complete details of all updations and activities done in Clearances portal for all modules and components as above.
  • The authority is then required to download the unsigned copy of the "Approved Clearance document" from the portal, sign it and upload it again through the "Upload Signed Clearance Document" in the portal through the relevant link in home page.
  • The Entrepreneur gets an automatic "Alert" in his/her home page when the Signed Clearance document is uploaded in portal by authority and can download the Clearance document from the portal. The other offices involved in SWC portal can also download the clearance document from their home page.

The Digital Locker facility is built in the SWC portal to have a Repository to store and retrieve all types of documents which are part of the SWC portal. This includes :

  • The Common Application Form (CAF) for an enterprise which is "Accepted by DIC".
  • Application forms in Blank Format which have to be submitted by Entrepreneur for getting clearances from each office.
  • The filled in Online Application Form entered by the entrepreneur in Clearances portal to get a clearance and duly "Approved" by the office.
  • The "Report Card of a Clearance" which has complete details of all updations and activities done in Clearances portal for all modules and components. The Report card summarizes the Online Clearances system in a Single report.
  • The Final signed Clearance document issued by the office to the Entrepreneur.
  • The Digital Locker is "Auto-built" in SWC portal ie., it gets added at each stage of updation of SWC portal by the stakeholders involved.

The Entrepreneur can also use "Digital Locker" facility to "Store" and "Retrieve" other documents relating to enterprise like Detailed Project Reports, Bank reports, etc. By default, all documents of the Digital Locker for an enterprise are available for access by him/her and concerned offices of A & N Admin and are NOT accessible to other Entrepreneurs.