
The Human anatomy is a basic science in medical education. The Anatomy Department stand as backbone in medical institute and it is an active pre-clinical department largely devoted to teaching Human anatomy to medical students. The department is located in pre-clinical block of the institute; it stands close to the Boys hostel. The department has highly qualified and experienced faculty to guide the students. The department is equipped with an air conditioned Dissection hall, Histology lab, Museum, Research lab and Department library for staff members.
Infrastructure/Teaching Facilities:
Demonstration rooms: The anatomy department has Two air conditioned demonstration rooms with LCD projector and X-ray lobby. Each demonstration room can accommodate 50 students.
Dissection Hall: The air conditioned dissection hall which can accommodate 100 students. The knowledge on gross structure of the human body is gained through cadaver dissections, study of bones supplemented by studying the surface anatomy on mummified body, radiological anatomy by using X-ray and CT scan. The dissection hall containing dissection tables, X-ray lobby, Cooling cabinet for preserving bodies, Storage tanks, Articulated skeletons, Disarticulated bones, Meat cutting machine, Band saw, Embalming table and machine.
Histology lab: The air conditioned laboratory can accommodate 50 students to learn the microscopic anatomy by studying prepared sections of various tissues under the microscope. The histology laboratory is well equipped with Slide Projector for demonstration, individual microscope for each student, set of slides for each student and labelled photomicrographs are procured for interpreting the slides.
Museum: Museum of anatomy department has large number of wet specimens, dry specimens, Skeleton, X-ray viewing boxes, exclusive charts, models (Gross & Embryology).
Research lab: The lab is well equipped with all the instruments which are necessary for research in gross anatomy, neuro-anatomy, microscopic anatomy, osteology and anthropology.
Department Library: The department library has enough number of books for staff members to update the knowledge. Computer with internet facility is also available for E-learning.
Looking Ahead: The department is in the process of initiating the Body donation programme and videotaping the dissections.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Sharada R | Professor & HOD |
Dr. Sanjay Fernandes | Associate Professor |
Dr. Ashok Pal Gobind | Tutor |
Ms Harsha | Tutor |
- Creating awareness on voluntary body donation.
- Acceptance of body donation from public is done; received body is preserved and utilized for research and academic purpose.
- Private embalming is available for transport.
Welcome to the Department of Physiology in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical sciences, Port Blair. Our Department is devoted to research, training, and education and strives to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and academic development. The Department’s faculty, in conjunction with under graduate students and staff, use innovative tools to uncover physical and chemical mechanisms of biological processes. Our frontiers span the molecular to organ level to determine how the human body functions in health and disease. Here at ANIIMS we have an energetic and dedicated staff to guide the students in this very interesting subject of basic sciences. The Lecture theaters and all the Practical laboratories are fully air conditioned and well equipped with the modern educational technology gadgets to train the undergraduates as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India.
What is Physiology?
Physiology and Biophysics is one of the premier basic science departments. From earliest times, people have sought to understand the nature of life. We instinctively want to know how our bodies work, how we are born, how we grow and develop, and the nature of illness, what happens when we die. Physiology describes the nature of life. It is the subject that deals with the normal functioning and regulations of all the organ systems in the body. It provides the framework for studying and exploring the bases of life. Physiologists view life from the simplest to the most complex levels of organization - from the subcellular, to the whole person. Physiologists make an important contribution to areas such as heart disease, reproduction and ageing and global population control. Without the basic knowledge of Physiology, it is practically impossible to understand the subjects like Pharmacology and Medicine.
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in physiology aims at providing the student comprehensive knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the body to facilitate an understanding of the physiological basis of health and diseases.
1) At the end of the course, the student will be able to: describe the normal functions of all the organ systems, their regulatory mechanisms and interactions of the various systems for well-coordinated total body function.
2) Understand the relative contribution of each organ system in the maintenance of the milieu interior (homeostasis).
3) Explain the physiological aspects of normal growth and development. Analyze the physiological responses and adaptation to environmental stresses.
4) Comprehend the physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease.
5) Correlate knowledge of physiology of human reproductive system in relation to National Family Welfare Program.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Mohan M. Sagdeo | Professor & HOD |
Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Singh | Associate Professor |
Dr. Laxmi CC | Assistant Professor |
Dr. M Rajajeyakumar | Assistant Professor |
Mr. Ashwani Sharma | Tutor |
Dr. V. Ravi Kumar | Tutor |
The Department of Biochemistry, Andaman Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences is involved in the academic, research and diagnostic services for the people of Andaman and Nicobar islands. The academic activities include lecture classes, practicals, tutorials, problem based learning classes, case discussions and seminars. The diagnostic services are performed in the clinical chemistry laboratory which works round the clock to provide quality reports of the investigations asked for the patients admitted in the wards, or those attending the outpatient department of the hospital.
Infrastructural facilities available:
Well- furnished faculty rooms including tutors room, office, demonstration room (fitted with strip chairs, green boards, Slide Projector with screen, and other audiovisual aids, so as to accommodate at least 50-55 students ). Departmental library (which has around 100 books , Television and other audio visual aids), Undergraduate practical laboratory( fitted with the gas line and other requisite facilities), Preparation room, Research laboratory and a Clinical chemistry laboratory.
Equipments available in the department: All the equipments required for undergraduate teaching (MBBS) as per the Medical council of India guidelines are available in the department.
Major equipments in the Clinical Chemistry laboratory, Central laboratory:
Clinical Chemistry autoanalysers, Semi automated analysers, Electrolyte analysers, Analysers for immunoassays.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Veerabhadra Doud GK | Associate Professor & Head |
Dr. Shivakrishna Gouroju | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Sankar Paneer selvam | Tutor |
Mr Ramagiri Sateesh | Tutor |
The clinical chemistry laboratory functions 24 x 7 to provide quality reports of many blood chemistry parameters and hormone assays. The samples are received for analyses from the outpatient departments, wards and casualty. The records are maintained in the record register.
Recently, the college has started with services to provide reports of the patients via sms services alsoCommunity Medicine
Welcome to the Department of Community Medicine in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical sciences, Port Blair. In this Department we have dedicated and experienced staff to guide the students. The Department is well equipped with the modern educational technology gadgets to train the undergraduates as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India.
The Department of Community Medicine has the following purposes
- Teaching Undergraduate Students
- Providing Health care to the Community
- Conducting Research & Training Programmes
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in community medicine is to prepare them to function as Community and First Level Physicians in accordance with the institutional goals.
Community Medicine department is involved in training undergraduate students in the fields of Epidemiology, Demography, Communicable & Non Communicable diseases, Environmental factors in Diseases and Basic Biostatistics. Through Lectures, Field Visits and internship the students are oriented to the state of public health in the country and functioning of health care system. Also,the Department has the role of training the students to understand the Social & Economic factors which promote and perpetuate the factors responsible for ill health.
Though three Primary Health Centres and an Urban Health centre, the department is involved in providing primary health care to the people. In addition, special health & Education camps are being organized on important health days. Health Education programmes is also being organized by the Undergraduate students.
Apart from training of Undergraduate students in conducting research, the department provides technical inputs to faculty members in conducting research. Training programmes have been organized periodically for Health care Workers in topics related to Public health.
The department conducted a training programme on Biomedical Waste Management for the Staff Nurses of GB Pant Hospital from 30/3/15 to 4/4/15 in which 119 Staff Nurses were trained.
A furnished library with 20 books is functional. It has been proposed to upgrade the library with 80 latest and up to date books.
A museum with 200 Charts & Specimens each is being developed.
The Following PHC’s & UHC are identified for Rural/Urban health training. PHC CHOULDARI & UHC GARACHARMA are being upgraded as Rural and Urban Health and Training Centres respectively.
Distance |
20 km |
9 km |
9 km |
25km |
Population |
10000 |
50000 |
18556 |
10000 |
Daily average OPD |
60 |
280 |
170 |
130 |
Bed Strength |
10 |
10 |
60 |
20 |
Average Inpatient admissions per day |
3 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
Name | Designation |
Dr. Jahanvi | Professor & HOD |
Dr. Vivin Vincent | Associate Professor |
Dr. Ajay Raj S. | Associate Professor |
Dr. Lena Charlette | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Deepak Kumar | Assistant professor |
Dr. Priyanka Yadav | Tutor |
Dr. Shirley p | Tutor |
Dr. Amrita Burma | Tutor |
Mr. Vidhu M Joshy | Tutor/Statisticianr |
Welcome to the Department of Pharmacology in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences (ANIIMS) Port Blair. Our Department is devoted to research, training, and education and strives to push the boundaries of scientific discovery and academic development.
The broad goal of teaching pharmacology to undergraduate students is to inculcate in them a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics. The overall objective of the department is to provide the minimum essential knowledge in pharmacology that every medical must have prior to entering the clinical years of education. With the fund of knowledge gained through this course students should be prepared to approach pharmacotherapy as it applies to the practice of medicine in a rational manner and gain the requisite tools to continue to expand their knowledge in pharmacology as they advance in their clinical training.
Educational objectives
(a) Knowledge
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to -
i. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs
ii. List the indications, contraindications, interactions and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs
iii. Indicate the use of appropriate drug in a particular disease with consideration of its cost, efficacy and safety for -
- individual needs, and
- mass therapy under national health programmes
iv. Describe the pharmacokinetic basis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of common poisonings
v. Integrate the list the drugs of addiction and recommend the management
vi. Classify environmental and occupational pollutants and state the management issues
vii. Explain pharmacological basis of prescribing drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, infancy and old age
viii. Explain the concept of rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology
ix. State the principles underlying the concept of `Essential Drugs‟
x. Evaluate the ethics and modalities involved in the development and introduction of new drugs
(b) Skills
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to -
i. Prescribe drugs for common ailments
ii. Identify adverse reactions and interactions of commonly used drugs
iii. Interpret the data of experiments designed for the study of effects of drugs and bioassays which are observed during the study
iv. Scan information on common pharmaceutical preparations and critically evaluate drug formulations
v. Be well-conversant with the principles of pharmacy and dispense the medications giving proper instructions
(c) Integration
Practical knowledge of rational use of drugs in clinical practice will be acquired through integrated teaching vertically with pre-clinical & clinical subjects and horizontally with other para-clinical subjects.
Infrastructure is in the process of development.
Future Goals
- To carry out research activities are pertaining to herbal research and drug screening.
- To set up world class therapeutic drug monitoring laboratory for estimation of plasma concentration of drugs with narrow therapeutic index.
- To conduct guest lectures on newer developments in pharmacology and toxicology, ethical issues in clinical research and to sensitize undergraduates, nursing and clinical staff of the hospital about the reporting of the suspected adverse drug reactions.
- To promote undergraduate short term research projects.
- To develop pharmacology museum, which includes various models of receptors, routes of administration and mechanism of action of various drugs, flex charts on drug induced congenital disorders and adverse drug reaction charts.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Mangesh Anandrao Bankar | Associate Professor |
Dr. Tushar Vashisht | Assistant Professor |
Forensic Medicine
The broad goal of the teaching of undergraduate students in Forensic Medicine is to produce a physician who is well informed about medicolegal responsibilities in practice of medicine. He/She will also be capable of making observations and inferring conclusions by logical deductions to set enquiries on the right track in criminal matters and connected medicolegal problems. He/She acquires knowledge of law in relation to medical practice, medical negligence and respect for codes of medical ethics.
At the end of the course in the forensic medicine, the MBBS student will be:
- Able to understand the basic concept of the subject and its importance.
- Aware of inquest, legal and court procedures applicable to medico-legal and medical practice.
- Able to perform medicolegal postmortem/autopsy findings and results of other relevant investigations for logical conclusion and framing the opinion on cause, manner and time since death.
- Able to preserve and dispatch relevant various articles, trace evidences including viscera in poisoning cases in medicolegal cases/ autopsy examination and handing over the same to appropriate agencies.
- Able to identify the medicolegal cases, carryout medical examination in such cases and prepare medicolegal report as per the law of the land.
- Aware of code of ethics, duties and rights of medical practitioner, duties towards patients and community, punishment on violation of code of ethics, various forms of medical negligence, duties towards his professional colleagues.
- Able to diagnose and manage the cases of acute and chronic poisoning and can carry out medicolegal duties.
- Aware of general principles of analytical, environmental, occupational toxicolgy including toxicovigilance and predictive toxicology.
- Aware of latest advances in Forensic Medicine & Toxicology and their medicolegal importance.
In short the department of Forensic Medicine assists the criminal justice system to prevent the crimes in the society there by establishing law and order for peace and prosperity of every member of the society. It trains the doctors in this direction along with ethical practice of medicine.
Infrastructure is in the process of development. Right now functioning mortuary is available.Name | Designation |
Dr. Uday Shankar Yadiyapur | Associate Professor |
Dr. Ashwini Kumar Malle | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Monisha P | Junior Resident |
Research Publications:
Dr. Y. Udayshankar: 14
Overview of the Department
The Department of Pathology is presently located on the first floor of GB Pant Hospital, Port Blair. Department of Pathology plays two essential roles in the field of medicine, which includes educating the medical students and providing diagnostic services.
It is a branch of medicine, which links basic sciences with clinical symptoms and signs. It helps the medical students to understand the basic mechanism and pathophysiology of diseases. In the era of evidence-based medicine, Pathology plays a vital role in providing a conclusive diagnosis. The diagnostic sub-specialities available in the department include Histopathology, Cytopathology, Hematology, Special Hematology and Clinical Pathology.
Infrastructure and facilities:
Histopathology Laboratory
Histopathology lab is situated on the first floor. Small biopsies as well as large specimens are processed. Grossing, processing and reporting activities are carried out daily so that the treating clinician as well as the patient gets the report at the earliest.
In addition, clinical autopsies are performed as and when needed to provide final cause of death in cases with unclear diagnosis.
Cytopathology laboratory
Everyday, Fine needle aspiration procedures are performed so that rapid diagnosis is provided to the patient within 24 hours. Special techniques such as cell block preparation and immunocytochemistry is being established to aid in the diagnostic workup.
Body fluids, CSF analysis, semen analysis, Exfoliative cytology (including PAP smears for cervical screening) are routinely done.
Hematology laboratory
The hematology laboratory provides routine tests such as CBC, ESR, PCV, MP, Peripheral blood film examination. Laboratory has automated 5-part as well as 3-part cell counters. Hematology section also routinely performs coagulation tests. Work up for haemophilias and anaemias is being done.
Department library
The department library has enough number of latest books for faculty members to update their knowledge. Computer with internet facility is also available for E-learning.
Name | Designation |
Director & Professor | |
Dr. Ashwinkumar K Barsagade | Associate Professor |
Dr. Sivaganesh Alias Porko G | Associate Professor |
Dr. Chandan Chowdhury | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Rohit Sharma | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Sampa Choudhury | Assistant Professorr |
Dr. Neha Sikdar | Tutor |
Dr. Priya Jaswin | Tutor |
Dr. Malavika Mahato | Tutor |
Dr. Moumita Dam | Tutor |
The Department of Microbiology provides Clinical Laboratory services at G B Pant Hospital and conducts academic activities at Medical College campus.
Clinical services provides for diagnosis of Infectious diseases and its agents. Academic activities include teaching under graduate students during phase II of MBBS course. The Department is fully equipped to provide conclusive lab diagnostic aid as well as undertake quality research work.
Diagnostic Service
The diagnostic services is provided by a 2000 square feet state of the art laboratory consisting of Bacteriology, Serology, Mycology, Parasitology, Mycobacteriology and Anaerobic culture sections. The laboratory makes use of both conventional as well as automated systems such as automated blood culture system, automated Mycobacterial culture system, automated ELISA for different serological tests. Endpoint diagnosis is also provided by rapid molecular diagnostic tools for select common infectious diseases of public importance. The Department also provides for continuous surveillance activities for locally prevalent infections known to occur in epidemics.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Ramakrishna Pai J | Professor & Head |
Dr. Elantamilan D | Assistant Professor |
Dr.K Sneha | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Nagma Rafi | Tutor |
Dr.P Vamsi Muni Krishna | Tutor |
General Medicine
Department of General Medicine ANIMS&GB Pant Hospital functions as a Referral Hospital for all the Health centres and Hospitals located in the A&N Islands.
Apart from the services offerred by a team of highly experienced physicians,range of subspeciality services in form of Nephrology,Medical Oncology,Cardiology,Gastroenterology&Neurology are available to the dependent population of A&N Islands.
Medical OPD ;4 Rooms
Male&Female wards:4 with 120 beds in total
Medical ICU:5 beds
CCU:5 beds
Demonstration rooms
Dialysis centre with 7 stations
The following facilities are also available
Echocardiography/Holter monitoring
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
Name | Designation |
Dr. SR Gedela | Professor & Head |
Dr.ShivShankar Singh | Senior specialist |
Dr. Robert James | Associate Professor |
Dr. Annuraj | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Srikant Shivan | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Mhasiselie Zumu | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Hasil Md Ali E | Assistant Professor |
Dr. M J Javid Maricar | Junior Resident |
Dr. Shredar Maks | Junior Resident |
Dr. Sanchez Colin | Junior Resident |
Dr. Shiny Adom | Junior Resident |
Dr.Anand C Nair | Junior Resident |
Dr. S Syed Irfan | Junior Resident |
Department of Pediatrics in ANIIMS and G. B.Pant Hospital is a well established department with general Pediatrics Ward, Intensive Pediatrics Care unit, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and out patient department (OPD), catering to the population of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
- Inpatient department: Two units with 30 beds in each unit.
- Clinical demonstration room with LED projector
- Departmental Library
- Resident doctors duty room
- Office Accommodation of Faculty
- PICU: 4 beds with Pediatrics Ventilator, CPAP, Pulse Oxymeter, New resuscitation unit
- NICU: 8 beds with Ventilator, Warmers, Phototherapy units, Laryngoscope, Ophthalmoscope
- Out-Patient Department: Large waiting hall with reception, emergency attendance on ground floor. Average daily OPD attendance is 199/day.
- Immunization & well-baby clinic.
Name | Designation |
Dr. T.L. RatnaKumari | Professor and Head |
Dr. Pragathesh | Associate Professor |
Dr. Munni Singhania | Senior Specialist |
Dr. Ritu Singh | Senior Specialist |
Dr. Deepty Nauriyal | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Shamaita Gupta | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Sonamenla Walling | Senior Resident |
Dr. Sulaiman L | Junior Resident |
General Surgery
Name | Designation |
Dr Nilesh Patil | Associate Professor & Head |
Dr Saji Vargheese | Senior Specialist |
Dr T. Mohammed Shameem | Senior Specialist |
Dr Mohammed P. Mustafa | Assistant Professor |
Dr Ritesh Kumar | Assistant Professor |
Dr Manjunatha Swamy PV | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Sameer Ahmed | Senior Resident |
Dr. PR Verma | Junior Resident |
Dr. Ireen Mary | Junior Resident |
Dr. P Damodar Reddy | Junior Resident |
Dr. Rajagiri P | Junior Resident |
The department of ORTHOPAEDICS ANIIMS was started in 2015 within the Orthopaedics department of G. B. Pant hospital which had existed since 2015. The department is a referral Orthopaedicscentre for the entire A & N Islands. A process of modernization and expansion was immediately begun with the inception of the ANIIMS department. The range as well as number of surgeries were increased, a modular OT was commissioned, the ward strength was increased from 40 to 60 beds and computerization of patient records instituted. The results were soon statistically apparent. The surgeries conducted by the department of Orthopaedics increased from 286 in 2014 to 625 in 2016. The progress has continued further with spinal fixation for trauma, knee Arthroscopy and modular bipolar Arthroplasty being started. At present the department is on the verge of becoming a completely self-sufficient Orthopaedics unit with all Orthopaedics surgeries except total hip replacement, total knee replacement and shoulder Arthroscopy being performed. It is expected that these three surgeries too shall commence within 2020-2021.
The first batch of students of 2015 were posted for clinical posting in the department during their 3rd semester in July 2016 in sub batched on ration and then for the theory classes w.e.f Jan 2017 onwards in the 4th semester. These students are appearing in the university examination in November December 2019. The successful candidate will start one year compulsory rotatory internship form January 2020. The department is in a position to start post graduate courses in Orthopedics.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Dharmender kumar | Professor & Head |
Dr. SP Saha | Senior Specialist |
Dr. Saurabh | Assistant professor |
Dr Sharan Mallya | Assistant professor |
Dr. KS Kartik | Senior Resident |
Dr. Sudip Deb | Senior Resident |
Dr. Kumaran | Junior Resident |
Dr. Mitul Saha | Junior Resident |
Dr. Gaurav Lall | Junior Resident |
- Office for Head of Department – 01 room
- OPD- 02 rooms
- Minor Operation Theatre – 01
- Clinical Demonstration Room – 01
- Male Ortho Ward- 30 beds
- Female ward (FS-II)- 30 bed
- C- Arm – 1 ( 2 C-arm’s are required as per MCI guidelines, at present only 1 is available)
- A fully equipped physiotherapy center is available for outpatient services
1. Sharan Mallya, Premjit Sujir. Recurrence of Chondromyxoid Fibroma of Great Toe. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2018;17(3):10
2. Is Preoperative Anthropometric Data Assessment Reliable Indicator for Estimating Femoral Tunnel Length. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research? 2018 Sep, Vol-12(9): RC08-RC10.
3. A Study of Correlation of Disease Severity with Antibody Titers in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2019 Feb, Vol- 13(2): RC08-RC1.
4. Sharan Mallya, Surendra U Kamath, Arkesh Madegowda, et al.Comparison of radiological and functional outcome of unstable intertrochanteric femur treated using PFN and PFNA‑2 in patients with osteoporosis. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 2019; 29(5):1035-1042. 019-02401-x. PMID - 30778679
5. Deepak Pinto, Manjunath K, Amarnath D Savur, Naufal Rizwan Ahmed, Sharan Mallya, Ramya V. Comparative study of the efficacy of gentamicin-coated intramedullary interlocking nail versus regular intramedullary interlocking nail in Gustilo type I and II open tibia fractures. Chinese Journal of Traumatology 2019; 22(5):270-273. - PMC6823723
6. Sharan Mallya, Surendra U Kamath, Rajendra Annappa, Nithin Elliot Nazareth, Krithika Kamath, Pragya Tyagi. The Results of Unstable Intertrochanteric Femur Fracture Treated with Proximal Femoral Nail Antirotation-2 with respect to Different Greater Trochanteric Entry Points. Adv Orthop. 2020 Mar 28;2020:2834816. doi: 10.1155/2020/2834816. PMID: 32280544; PMCID: PMC7142344.
Operation Theator- A Modular operation theatre with Laminar air flow
- Cemented hip replacement arthroplasty
- Surgeries for spinal trauma
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Third generation trauma surgeries for complete fracture.
- Surgeries for benign tumours of the bone
- Osteotomies for deformities.
The ENT Department of Andaman & Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Science (ANIIMS) is a referral ENT centre for whole of Andaman & Nicobar Islands. ENT Dept. it is well equipped with modern state of all equipment. Consisting of a Nasal Endoscopy, with visualization system integrated, Micro ear surgery equipment with Leica Microscope and monitor, bipolar cautery with Liga sure. ENT workstation with suction, cautery and diagnostic endoscopy. A well established temporal bone lab for training purpose is also in use.
A two room sound proofed audiology room equipped with audiometry tympanometry, otoacoustic emission, BERA is available.
A total of approximately 25000 patients annually are seen all at average of 120 patients daily. A dedicated operation theatre facility for all major and minor surgeries including head and neck is available thrice a week operating 500 cases annually.
As a part of our research activities an ICMR funded project on prevalence of oral submucous fibrosis is conducted. We propose to conduct a study about prevalence for human papilloma virus in oral malignancy.
Name | Designation |
Dr. S Gurumani | Professor & Head |
Dr. Meena Maruti Ohal | Associate Professor |
Dr. Harsimran Tiwana | Assistant professor |
Overview of the department: Department of Ophthalmology is a well-equipped department with state-of –art equipments. Department is registered center for National Program for Control of Blindness (NPCB) and Eye Bank Association of India (EBAI). It conducts regular out-reach activities for rural and urban population residing in remote areas and also other Island of A&N which includes diagnostic camps for cataract, glaucoma, retina screening, school health checkups, training of school teachers and paramedical staff. We are carrying out clinical as well as educational research.
Infrastructural facilities: It has adequate space having 2 consulting rooms, Glaucoma clinic, Retina clinic, Seminar room cum Library, Eye Bank, Refraction rooms, Major and Minor OT, Laser room, Perimetry room, and Investigation/Procedure room. We have Optical Coherence Tomography (STRATUS OCT), Humphrey Field Analyser, Argon Green Laser (Zeiss), YAG Laser (Ocular), Slit Lamps-5 (HAAG ST, 2-NIDEK, 3-LABO MED), Auto-refractometer, Digital Fundus Imaging (Zeiss), A-Scan, B-Scan, Keratometer, Operating Microscope (Leica), NCT (Keeler, Nidac), Phacoemulsification unit.
Beds available- 16, Patient load (average OPD-150/day, major surgeries-500-700/ year)
Staff available: Senior ophthalmic assistant-01, Ophthalmic assistants-07, Lab technician-01, Eye bank counselors- 02, Staff nurse-01, Ward attendant/Aaya- 02, OT Sister-01, OT technician-01, Data operator-01, Clerk-01, Receptionist-01.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Sutapa Das | Professor & Head |
Dr. Shipra Gupta | Assistant Professor |
Dr.Priyanka Sankaran | senior Resident |
Dr. Archan Das | Junior Resident |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
The department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ANIIMS was started in 2015 in the existing GOPD complex of the G.B.Pant Hospital, Port Blair under the able guidance of Colonel T K Bhattacharya (Retd) as Prof & Head w.e.f 6th April 2015 to 19th October 2015
Name | Designation |
Dr. MK Saha | Professor & HOD |
Dr. Sudha Patil | Professor |
Dr. Pinky Jena | Associate Professor |
Dr. Seema Yadav | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Abhishek Malakar | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Shreya Barik | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Juliet James | Junior Resident |
Dr. Sathiyan R | Junior Resident |
- SK Kathpalia, Manju Mehrotra, Pinky Jena, Archana H Deshpande. Spindle cell Sarcoma – a rare diagnosis; – MOJ Women’s Health 2018;7(2):60-66
- Manju Mehrotra, Seema Yadav, Archana Deshpande, HarshitaMehrotra. A study of the prevalence of Anemia and associated socio demographic
factors in pregnant women in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar island; - Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, year 2018;
- 3. Kathpalia S K, Shinde M, Mehrotra M and Sahoo K S P. Life Threatening
Corpus Luteum Hemorrhage in a patient on oral Anticoagulants – A Challenging case; - Journal of Women’s
Health and Safety Research JWHSR,2018; 2 (1): 37-40.
- 4. SK Kathpalia, Manju Mehrotra, Pinky Jena, Archana H Deshpande. Spindle cell Sarcoma – a rare diagnosis; – MOJ Women’s Health 2018;7(2):60-66
- 5. Kathpalia S K , Shinde M, Mehrotra M and Sahoo K S P. Life Threatening Corpus Luteum Hemorrhage
in a patient on oral Anticoagulants – A Challenging case; - Journal of Women’s Health and Safety Research, JWHSR,2018; 2 (1): 37-40.
- 6. Abhishek Malakar, Pinky S K Sahoo, Manju Mehrotra, and Shreya Barik. Role of intracervical Foley’s
Catheter as Preinduction ripening agent in reducing Primary Cesarean Section: International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019; 3(4):35-39
- 7. Pundir S, Khatuja R, Mahajan P, Sarda N, Rai S, Singhal MJ. Etiology and outcome
of fever in pregnancy : An observational Study - Evolution Med. Dent. Sci 2018;7(15):1898-1900.
- 8. Singhal A, Khatuja R, Chawla D, Ranjhen P. PPIUCD: An effective tool for unmet need of
contraception in post-partum period - Paripex-Indian J of Research 2018; l7(4):90-92.
- 9. Prasad S, Khatuja R, Ranjhen P. Prevalence & predictors of awareness of cervical cancer
and its prevention among women in north Delhi. International j of clinical obst& ynae. 2018; 2(6):91-94.
- 10. Abhishek Malakar, Shreya Barik, SomnathLaha and RituKhatuja. Thromboprophylaxis with single dose versus seven dose enoxaparin in
intermediate risk postpartum women: A single blinded randomized control study. International Journal of Clinical Obstertics and Gynaecology 2019;3(3):150-154
- 11. Manju Mehrotra, Seema Yadav & Archana H Deshpande. The study of the prevalence of anemia and associated socio demographic
factors in pregnant women in Port Blair, A & N Islands -; published in Journal of Family Medicine & Primary Care: Nov 2018
- 12. Abhishek Malakar, Pinky S K Sahoo, Manju Mehrotra, and Shreya Barik. Role of intracervical Foley’s Catheter as Preinduction ripening agent
in reducing Primary Cesarean Section: International Journal of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019; 3(4):35-39
- 13. Abhishek Malakar, Shreya Barik, SomnathLaha and RituKhatuja. Thromboprophylaxis with single dose versus seven dose enoxaparin in intermediate
risk postpartum women: A single blinded randomized control study. International Journal of Clinical Obstertics and Gynaecology 2019;3(3):150-154
To provide safe and state of the art Anaesthesia Care to all the patients. To provide comprehensive patient care including critical care, pain relief along with regular Anaesthesia services. To provide up to date knowledge & skill to the Medical Students and resident doctors with a dedicated skill lab for BLS/ACLS training. To conduct research in Anaesthesia and critical care so that ANIIMS can become an international level research institute.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Anil Kumar N | Professor & HOD |
Dr. Sarasa Kumar Sahoo | Associate Professor |
Dr Sudesh Prakash | Associate Professor |
Dr.Narayanan Rajaram | Associate Professor |
Dr. Sharan Raj Kumar | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Surabhi Priya | Assistant Professor |
Dr Rishabh Jaju | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Ajay Shandilya | Assistant Professor |
Dr. Harini Krishna | Senior Resident |
Dr. Kavya Goel | Senior Resident |
- Narayan A K,Janardhan A L, Prakash A, Sarasa S K. Low cost teaching aid: A modification of MacIntosh blade into
a Video Laryngoscope for teaching laryngoscopy and intubation. J AnaesthsiolClinPharmacol. 2018, 34(4):552-554.
- Narayan A, Prakash A, Karim HMR, Sarasa S K.
An Observation into the accumulation of N2O in the pneumoperitoneum during Laparoscopic surgeries. Indian J ClinAnaesth. 2019, 6(2):187-190.
- Karim HMR, Sarasa S K, Prakash A, Rajaram N, Kumar S, Narayan A. Abnormal routine preoperative test results and
their perioperative anesthetic impact in patients aged 60 years and more: An Observational study. The Indian Anesthetists’ Forum. 2018, 19(1):6-10.
- Karim HMR, Prakash A, Sarasa S K,Narayan A, Vijayan V.
Abnormal routine pre-operative test results and their impact on anaesthetic management: An observational study. Indian J Anaesth 2018, 62(1):23-28.
- Dhar M, Karim HMR, Rajaram N, Prakash A, Sarasa S K, Narayan A. A randomised comparative study on
customised versus fixed sized pillow for tracheal intubation in the sniffing position by Macintosh laryngoscopy. Indian J Anaesth. 2018, 62(5):344-349
- Karim HMR, Janardhan A.L, Prakash A, Sarasa S K, RajaramN, Narayan A. An Observational study on prevalence and Perioperative impact of Arterial
Hypertension and diabetes Mellitus among adult surgical Patients. AcadmicaAnaesthesiologica International. 2018, 2(2):3-8
- Sarasa SK, Debasis K, Panigrahi S. Effect of combination of scalp block and transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative
quality of recovery after cranioplasty surgery: A prospective observational study. MedPulse International Journal of Anesthesiology. 2019, 11(3): 215-220.
- Sarasa SK, Panigrahi S, Pradhan SC. Comparison of Intermediate Vs Subcutaneous Superficial Cervical Plexus Block for Anterior
Cervical Discectomy and Fusion: A prospective Randomized Controlled Study. Academia Anaesthesiologica International. 2019, 4(2):209-213
Radio – Diagnosis
Name | Designation |
Dr Shailaja Parthasarathy | Assistant Professor |
Dr.Ashok Dubey | Specialist |
Dr Poonam Bara | SR |
The Psychiatry Department of A & N Island Institute of Medical Sciences (ANIIMS) is a psychiatric unit providing consultation and liasoning services to population of A & N Islands since 1985.
In collaboration with National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) the psychologist and psychiatric social workers conduct screening camp for drug abuse, awareness programmes and suicide prevention camps for school children.
Academic and clinical classes are conducted for undergraduate students(MBBS), Nursing student, Psychology Students of ANCOL.
In 2019 Psychiatry department has observed world suicide prevention day on 10th September, world Mental Health day on 10th October. 15 schools were screened for substance abuse in the group- higher secondary and students diagnosed with substance abuse is under treatment from our the department.
We have a vision to increase the bed strength of deaddiction wards from 10 bed capacity to 50 bed, to start suicide helpline unit, to provide latest treatment modalities like Trans-Cranial Magnetic stimulation and bio-feedback therapy for neurotic disorder and to start Post graduate courses in future.
Name | Designation | Dr. Anand Lingeshwaran | Associate Professor |
Dr. Parvesh Batra | Assistant professor |
Dr. Sunil Kumar | Senior specialist |
Dr. Kushal Kumar Baidya | Senior Resident |
Dr. Kunal Roy | Junior Resident |
Respiratory Medicine
The department of Respiratory medicine ANIIMS was started in 2015 and has since grown beyond leaps and bounds. The department is a nodal/referral center (NTEP national tuberculosis elimination programme for entire A&N islands. Department is equipped with X-rays unit, PFT unit, Mauntoux test and genexpert platform. We were one of the handful of selected institution to start both detamanid and bedaquiline(newer drugs for MDR.TB) in India. The Department is also working hand in hand with our defense forces by giving service to all of their personal. Departments statistics has also tremendously increased since 2015.with various news papers have also published the fact that our I.O census has increased by almost 50%(48.72.). We also have an OPD census of 40 to 45 per day, with X-ray been taken for almost 20 per/day. Procedures like thoracocentesis, interscostal drainage and abscess drainage are been done on daily basis. With due course, procurement of bronchoscope 2020-21 and completion of 1 RL. The department of pulmonary medicine ANIIMS will become a completely self-sufficient department. 1st batch of MBBS started attending clinical posting in our department since 2016.
Name | Designation |
Dr. S.P Burma |
Senior Specialist |
Dr. Natraj Manimaran |
Assistant Professor |
Dr.Gulnar Begum |
Senior Resident |
The Dermatology department of Andaman and Nicobar Islands institute of Medical Sciences is a referral dermatology centre for whole of Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
A total of approximately 43,000 patients are annually seen of average of 160 patients daily. A dedicated procedure room is presentfor minor procedures like skin biopsy, electrocautery, intra lesional steroid injection, elector fulguration, phenol cautery, TCD cautery.
A total number of 260 case of sexually transmitted diseases were diagnosed and managed in the year 2019. A total number of 20 case of leprosy were diagnosed and managed in the past year. Among which 12 were multibacillory and 8 were paucibacilliary. Biologicals like injection Secukinumab given to 86 Psoriasis patients and OMALIZUMAB was given to URTICARIA patients. Good clinical response was observed among these patients.
Our vision is to expand the treatment options given to patients by procuring phototherapy unit, cryotherapy instruments, iontophoresis and chemical peels.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Abhinav K sharma | Assistant Professor & Head |
Dr. Lyra Priyadarshini Andrews | Senior Resident |
Dr. Salomi | Junior Resident |
Being the tertiary referral hospital of these islands the department caters to a patient load of average 150 patients daily. The variety of patients is impressive because of, both varied racial mix of population and the tropical climate. Basic diagnostic techniques like Gram’s, Ziehl- Nielsen and Tzanck smear are followed. The department provides for facilities like Electrocautery, radiofrequency and chemical cautery with Trichloroacetic acid.
Department of Dentistry ANIIMS, Port Blair aims to become a highly equipped advanced department at par with other premier dental units of medical colleges of India. Its vision is to become a multispecialty unit providing all sorts of recent dental treatment procedures such as implants, lasers as well as surgeries for oral cancer and cleft lip and palate in collaboration with other specialties of the institute.
Faculty of dental department has published 2 articles in PubMed indexed international journals in the year 2019.
Department of dentistry, ANIIMS participated in 2 oral health camp on occasion of World Oral Health Day 2019 organized in various Anganwadi centers. We also participated in 13 National Oral Health Mission camps organized in various Govt. Schools during month of Feb 2019.
Faculty of dental department participated as guest presenter in various health awareness programmes on All India Radio and Doordarshan, Port Blair in the year 2019
Our department provides basic dental treatment such as tooth Extraction, Oral prophylaxis, Restoration of teeth, Denture fabrication, Minor Dento alveolar Surgeries, Biopsy of maxillofacial pathologies, Management of odontogenic space infection as well as advanced specialty treatment such as Root Canal treatment, Disimpaction, IMF ( Intermaxillary fixation), bone plating of maxillofacial fracture, Enucleation of cystic lesions, periapical surgeries, pulpectomy and pulpotomies in pediatric patents, orthodontic therapy (Braces)
Number of OPD cases examined during January to December 2019 in the department of 24293.
Name | Designation |
Dr. Ajay Verma |
Professor & Head |
Dr. V. P. Hariharavel |
Associate Professor |
Dr. Prafful Kumar |
Assistant Professor |
Dr. Munish Dheeraj |
Senior Resident |
Dr. Jharna S Rao |
Junior resident |
Dr. Binita Mandal |
Junior resident |
Dr. Pratiksha Malhotra |
Junior resident |
Dr. Anuradha K Rajkuwar |
Junior resident |
Chest & TB
Name | Designation |
Dr.Burma (GBPH) | Assistant Professor |